Saturday, January 01, 2005

A rose by any other name

More front-page gems from the LA Times: a story on healthy chocolate. The story focuses on Bissinger's "spa chocolates," a $15.95 box of seven chocolates, one for each day of the week. If you eat these, you can:
Shed your guilt. Chocolate can have a place in your healthy lifestyle. Ingredients in our confections have been linked to improved cardiovascular health, lowered risk of certain types of cancer, a reduction in body weight, and a slowing of the aging process. Nothing's more gratifying. Treat yourself. Treat yourself well.
But of course, spa chocolates are part of a general trend that includes CocoaVia, whose tag line is "be good to your heart everyday." Their website instructs customers that one must eat two bars every day to get the full benefit of "naturally occurring cocoa flavanols which promote healthy circulation and healthy blood vessels."

The story also mentions Ecco Bella's health by chocolate line, which frankly, sounds so great I'm thinking of going out and buying a case so that I too can have porcelain skin, fight cancer, and "experience the euphoric feeling of being in love":
Formulated with Dr. Philip Cohen, Professor of Dermatology. With more antioxidants than most fruit or vegetables, it's choc-full of minerals, too! We infused it with cranberry seed oil for omega 3 fatty acids, plus blueberry extract, lutein, lycopene, astaxanthin and as much fiber as an apple. But what you'll taste is rich Swiss chocolate.

This chocolate is low glycemic so it releases its sugar slowly. And don't worry about the fat. Cocoa butter is a healthy fat that won't raise your cholesterol levels, but keeps skin healthy. health by chocolate is a decadent way to soft, smooth, luxurious looking skin. So now you can be bad to look good.

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