Thursday, January 06, 2005

It was the best of states; it was the worst of states...

While Herr Governor is an embarrassment to me, I do have one of the best Senators on the hill. Boxer today signed on to the objection over the Ohio votes forcing the House and Senate to convene to discuss that state's "voting irregularities." (Have I mentioned how much I hate this euphemism? Can we just say "voting crimes" or "sorry imitation of democracy" or something else?) Needless to say, the challenge did not change the final results, but it did require debate and a vote (Senate 74-1, House 267-31). AP says:

Democratic leaders distanced themselves from the effort, which many in the party worried would make them look like sore losers. Bush won Ohio by 118,000 votes and carried the national contest by 3.3 million votes, and Kerry himself — meeting with troops in the Middle East — did not support the challenge.

The debates were tinged by memories of the 2000 election, when Bush edged Democrat Al Gore after six weeks of recounts and turmoil in Florida.

"There's a wise saying we've used in Florida the past four years that the other side would be wise to learn: Get over it," said Rep. Ric Keller, R-Fla.
Yeah well, you know what Ric--we've got a wise saying in LA too: Fuck off.

Update: Here is the roll call for the vote to object.

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