Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Those offensive Quakers

Eponymous has the story about Veterans for Peace and a Quaker group getting ousted from a Cookeville, Tennessee high school informational fair. It seems a parent (singular) complained that the materials distributed at the booth (not forced on people, mind you) were "anti-American and anti-military." One of the subversive ("terrorism" is the new "communism") quotes comes from that revolutionary Eisenhower
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed. Those who are cold and are not clothed.
So now if the flag burning peaceniks want to come back, their materials must be pre-approved and they can only be presented in "a classroom setting that would allow an opportunity for a 'balanced' presentation." And what exactly does that mean--some Quaker/NRA Jane-you-ignorant-slut smackdown? For god's sake this shit sets my teeth on edge. I'm quite certain the students of Cookeville don't need to worry about an excess of liberal propaganda. Let's make sure they don't have an opportunity to think. They're too young for that.

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