Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I guess I haven't hit a bottom yet

I guess Gail Penniman is on her Twelfth Step, as she's trying to reach out to us on the left to usher us into recovery. Gail says we on the left are, once again, on the wrong side of history. I'll wait until a little more time unfolds before drawing that conclusion. Here's a nice excerpt from her "12 Steps for Recovering Leftists":
I feel sad for leftists because they are stuck in their addiction. Strong wording? I think not, because I was there. Leftist ideology is a powerful and cunning potion, and if it gets into the mind at a young enough age, it can be extremely difficult to kick. Let me explain.
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There is no way for a "cradle" conservative to imagine the pain that a recovering leftist goes through when the veil is finally lifted. The second step in official 12-step programs is belief in a higher power, believing that your higher power can restore you. In recovering from leftist thinking, this step is not a requirement, but for me it was essential. In fact, during my 30th year I experienced a spiritual awakening that initiated many changes in values, which in turn brought me to my first conservative action step: voting for Ronald Reagan in 1980. To borrow Michael Medved’s term, I had become a "theo-con."
Me? I say bring on the strong stuff, and save me a wake up. I guess I'm just in denial.

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