Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The mouse that roared

Giving whole new meaning to the phrase, "monkey on your back," ScienceDaily reports that rhesus monkey testes have been grafted onto the backs of mice and produced viable sperm. Needless to say, the article discusses potential implications for humans, and again, I'm sure I need not mention the frightening images conjured up in this blogger's mind. Andrea and I turned over a few of these. (The images, not the mice.) After running through the obligatory round of jokes ("What makes girl mice walk like cowboys?" "Are those monkey balls on your back or are you just happy to see me" . . .) we realized that this little experiment provides a metaphorical lens through which to view our current political situation.

We're thinking Bush and company are sort of like the mice: tiny and, well, tiny. Desperate for more potency, they are looking for that WMD graft. Wolfowitz and Ashcroft -- they pretty much sewed the monkey parts onto the mouse.

The Dems, on the other hand? They are donor monkeys. Hence Reid's stump speech tonight.

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