Wednesday, October 13, 2004


So in the search for intelligent commentary about tonight's debate or even in search of public opinion (two things so very unrelated at this point in history), I found myself surfing by the McEnroe show and stopping to hear Robert Sullivan talk about rats. Did you know that the LA rats (black rats) are thinner than the NY rats (brown rats) and that the former prefer a vegetarian diet while the latter prefer meat? What's more, LA rats ("ship rats") don't swim well, and NY rats ("water rats") do. LA rat packs have dominant males and females (which are general the most aggressive rats) and are "polygynous," which means the boy rats mate with more than one girl rat at one time, while NY rat packs are dominated by males and are "polygynandrous," which basically means what's good for the goose is good for the gander. In fact, according to Animal Diversity Web, "Once a female enters her six-hour estrus period, she may mate as many as five-hundred times with competing males."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, so some people get sidetracked at work reading about mutilated stuffed animals or rats. Well, here is what I got sidetracked on (involving mutilation and animals, but not rats):
Fascinating, huh?!

posted by a geologist/ clam expert in Madison, WI