Monday, January 03, 2005

The odd couple

Bush has chosen daddy and bubba to lead post-tsunami rescue efforts.

You know, it's really sad that when the president does something seemingly intelligent and principled, I wonder either
1. what he's trying to cover up by doing something smart
2. who has advised him to do something smart, since he isn't capable of doing something reasonable all on his own.

Regardless, it's a good choice. Maybe these two can convince some of the compassionate Christians to pony up some money as well.

I guess W is finally done chopping logs and having yuletide relaxation because AP reports that he has ordered the flags at half mast (to commemorate the week after the disaster I suppose) and visited embassies bearing bouquets of roses (a task marginally more involved than stopping by the store on the way home from work, I might add). The Pentagon is ordering the USNS Mercy, a 1000-bed hospital ship to the area. One wishes they might have thought to do that earlier.

And the capper:
Scott McClellan, dismissed any suggestion the White House campaign to encourage private giving was behind that curve as well, saying the new effort was about ensuring that impressive flow continues.

"This will bring even more focus on the need to provide support for these international organizations in the affected areas," he said. "This is a human tragedy that is really beyond comprehension and we want to make sure we're doing everything we can both from the government perspective as well as private support to help those who are suffering."

Bush himself has not yet made a personal contribution, but plans to give an unspecified amount, McClellan said.
Just once in his life, could this guy pretend he gives a shit about anyone?

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