Sunday, January 02, 2005

Just when I think they can no longer shock me

comes a story like this. Bush and company (aka Satan's helpers) are drawing up plans to detain Guantanamo Bay prisoners for life without trial if that feels like the right thing to do. The options are to either build a new prison for them at Guantanamo, which "would allow them more freedom and comfort than they had at present" or to send them back to their own countries to be locked up in US-built prisons there:
Local officials would run the prisons but the US would monitor them for compliance with human rights standards.
Boy that's a relief. I sure feel better that the good old U.S. of A. will be looking out for those folks. I mean, once you've determined to put someone in a cell forever with no trial, you're pretty much on thin human rights ice aren't you?

The Telegraph astutely concludes its article with the recognition that
The report coincided with the administration's decision quietly to shelve its controversial stance on torture, effectively repudiating a Justice Department memo arguing that the president could waive international decrees on "harmful acts."
So while all of the papers are reporting that the administration is backing away from their reprehensible line on human rights, the Pentagon is making plans to build concentration camps. Truly, this whole administration should just get fed to hungry lions.

Guy at Rook's Rant, from whence the link comes, begs the obvious question if we are purportedly spreading democracy around the globe how is that we are doing so by shredding the Constitution? "Maybe I need to read the constitution in it's original Klingon," Guy ponders.

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