Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Is your schoolyard breeding Muslims?

There is so much in the news that deserves comment: the White House's refusal to provide Gonzales' "we don't need no stinking Geneva Convention" memos; Bush's "you'll get my keyboard when you pry it from my cold, dead hands" retirement plan for America's youth; the upcoming "let's put a ceiling on the value of human life" trip to Illinois...and the list goes on.

But frankly folks, I don't have the stomach for it. I don't know if this cold has weakened my resistance to venal lies and corporate kneepads, but sustained analysis feels too difficult at this moment. Maybe I will rally later today.

In the meantime. . . I present you with excerpts from the oddly named Chick Publications' recent broadside, in which Susy saves Becky and Tashana from schoolgirl crushes that threaten to land them in the everlasting pits of hell:

Thank goodness for Susy. Not only were her friends dangerously close to getting diddled by horny Muslim pedophiles, but they would have had to wear those unfortunate scarves on their heads for the rest of their lives. Praise Jesus.

(Thanks to J-Walk for this one.)

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