Wednesday, December 01, 2004

You know it's a "duty" because it really isn't any fun

So of course, I can't talk about what I do all day anymore, nor do I have ready access to news most of the day. Though I am surrounded by people with opinions about the news.

Let me just say this...I am really unused to sitting elbow-to-elbow with 13 other people (there are two, as-yet-unknown, alternates) in a space only marginally larger than my bathroom. My misanthropic tendencies are on the rise. Also, it would not only upset me to have a lawyer who did not know how to mute his phone, it would also upset me to have one who didn't own a comb.

Things other jurors said to me today:

In re. the former Soviet Union:
When I told them [Soviets and Ukranians] their country had missiles pointed at us, they didn't even know. Those people weren't even aware of what was going on in their country or the world. It was a bad, bad system.
In re. the war in Iraq:
I just feel bad for those poor soldiers. They don't even know who is an insurgent and who isn't. They're over there risking their lives for an ideal.
In re. West Wing:
Well, it's a good show except for all the propaganda.
Insert deep and heavy sigh here. Because I would like my other jurors to actually listen to me when we enter deliberations (if I am not picked as an alternate), I refrained from comment on the above except to say to the last remark: "Yes, well it's very well written." To which the man replied, "Yes, it doesn't assume you're an idiot." (I rested my case with that.)

On that final note, one more quick post before I go watch the propaganda show, which I still like even though "it's gone way downhill."

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