Friday, April 22, 2005

Happy Earth Day

From NASA's Visible Earth, we bring you proof of our progress in paving the planet. The pic below shows the extent we have managed to cover the Baltimore/Washington area with asphalt.

NASA explains:
These space-based maps of buildings and paved surfaces, such as roads and parking lots, which are impervious to water, can indicate where large amounts of storm water runs off. Concentrated runoff leads to erosion and elevated discharge of soil and chemicals into rivers, streams, and ground water.

The image above shows the extent of impervious surfaces in and around Washington and Baltimore. Red represents high concentrations of impervious surfaces. Blue represents moderate concentrations and green represents low concentrations of impervious surfaces.
If you're feeling too chipper today, visit the site and browse the gallery of smog, deforestation, and urbanization. Viva la apocalypse.

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